Corcoran Jennison Companies is a group of integrated real estate operating companies with offices in Boston, Massachusetts; Laurel, Maryland; Greensboro, North Carolina; and Columbia, South Carolina. Presently, Corcoran Jennison, and its associated companies employs over 400 people and operates in 11 states. The company combines the disciplines and resources of development, construction, and property and asset management within a single organization.
Corcoran Jennison Companies has a track record of structuring creative and financially successful multifamily...
Corcoran Jennison is a nationally recognized leader in building, developing, and managing real estate. Our expertise enables us to...
With a long-standing reputation for successful public partnerships, Corcoran Jennison knows how to transform blighted...
Corcoran Jennison partners with communities and non-profit organizations to help them achieve their goals, identify...
Corcoran Jennison Hospitality is a leader in providing asset and property management services for the hospitality...
In building, developing and managing all of their projects, from affordable housing to full service hotels, Corcoran Jennison...
* Reference to Corcoran Jennison Management includes both Corcoran Jennison Management LLC and its affiliate CMJ Management Company.
Corcoran Jennison Companies has received numerous industry and civic awards in recognition of its excellence in housing-related matters. Some of its most notable awards include:
Presented by The National Affordable Housing Management Association (NAHMA). To view a full list of awards go here.
Presented by StatisFacts Resident Satisfaction. To view a full list of awards go here.
By the 1994 Pillars of the Industry Awards Committee of the National Council of the Multifamily Housing Industry/National Association of Home Builders. To view a full list of awards go here.
Presented by the Department of Housing and Urban Renewal, 1987 in recognition of the Villages at Montpelier, Laurel, Maryland. To view a full list of awards go here.
Presented by the Landscape Architectural Foundation and American Society of Landscape Architects, along with several recognitions by the Henry David Thoreau Award for Landscape Excellence. To view a full list of awards go here.